Thursday, January 26, 2012



The online journal which I used to record learning experiences and OLJ tasks is in the form of a blog and can be found at . Entries from November 20, 2011 – January 26, 2012 comprise OLJ tasks for INF506, evaluations and observations of learning experiences and useful links for this subject. These posts provide evidence that I have engaged in subject modules, online readings and class discussions.


The three specific OLJ tasks which will be used to show evidence of the fulfilment of learning objectives for INF506 are titled:

Building Academic Library 2.0
Definition of an information professional in a Web 2.0 world
5 Key Points for a Social Media Policy

Libraries have long held a societal purpose and in this time of changing usage and developing social technologies, it is important that libraries demonstrate an understanding of this evolution and incorporate the inclusion of contributions by the community via a variety of social networking technologies suited to each unique group of users. Uden and Eardley (2010) comment that collaboration, conversation community and content creation are necessary for engagement by library users and indeed these factors are essential aspects to be developed in order for a library to actively reflect the concepts, theory and practice of Library 2.0 principles and practice.

Casey and Savastinuk (2007) state that free flowing communication will help any organization to maintain the momentum toward Library 2.0. This is a very important point to observe as new work methods and technologies are tested and adopted. Evaluation and communication must take place between users and library staff when considering which technologies will be relevant for engagement and which work practices can be sustained so that user information and recreational needs are met within an appropriate time frame. Supporting library staff with training and the appropriate amount of work time to maintain social networking sites with relevant information is essential so that library staff feel comfortable and positive about the newer style of interaction between users and the service (Farkas, 2007).

The second learning objective of this subject - demonstrate an understanding of Library 2.0 concepts, theory and practice – is highlighted in the blog post Definition of an information professional in a Web 2.0 world
Within this, the points are made that the information professional must have essential knowledge and understanding of how social networking is altering the way people search for knowledge and interaction and then apply that knowledge in the practical application of services and resources on offer.
The information professional needs to possess essential skills and knowledge through familiarization and competence with various social technologies to in order to implement these successfully for client use. The information professional also needs the essential attributes of a willingness to embrace change both conceptually and practically.

The blog post Building Academic Library 2.0 elaborates on learning objectives 3 and 4 - critically examine features and functionality of social networking tools and evaluate social networking technologies and software to support the informational and collaborative needs of workgroups, communities and organisations. The points are made that the library service needs to know its users – find out what mobile devices are the most popular and most used and gear information access around usability with these devices and social networking technologies. Library staff needs to go to where users are and engage in open communication to learn what users would like to have provided for their information needs and then respond with prompt information provision while the need is there. Cohen (2006) suggests that information needs to be made public as soon as practical and the traditional practice of waiting until a product is perfect before publication needs to be set aside. This requires quite a mind shift from previous methods of operation and also requires the library 2.0 service to set up a social network by which users can publish useful information and comments to further develop information and service relevance. It also requires staff to welcome community contributions and to embrace an environment of transparency. Through evaluation and by utilising appropriate social networking technologies and software that is specifically geared to the school community which a school library serves, the library is practically supporting the informational and collaborative needs of the various user groups within its school community.

The fifth learning objective – demonstrate an understanding of the social, cultural, educational, ethical and technical management issues that exist in a socially networked world and how information policy supports these issues, is discussed in the blog post - 5 Key Points for a Social Media Policy .

The specific points that are made are:
• ‘That all contributors need to be responsible for what they write’ focuses on social, cultural and ethical issues when engaging in social media. It is the responsibility of the information professional, in tandem with teaching staff to encourage students to contribute material that is appropriate, legal and of benefit to the users who will be accessing that information.
Users understand the concept of community – to post only information that is positive and to observe people’s privacy and confidentiality and to respect copyright and fair use, thus highlighting the social and ethical issues that exist in a socially networked world.
To provide guidelines to protect employees and consumers in terms of content publishing, appropriate online interactions and time management. It essential to establish and implement policy and provide clear guidelines that are positive and relevant for both internal and external users. Policy provision provides support and protection for user groups and is very important for the successful implementation of social networking technologies in school library service.

By progressing through INF506 subject modules, experimenting with various social networking tools and pursuing additional relevant readings, I believe I have been able to achieve subject learning objectives and these experiences have informed my development in social networking.

In reflecting upon the learning journey that I have experienced since the start of INF506, I now realise what a limited understanding I had of the scope of social networking technologies and the potential that exists for school libraries in this time of evolution if change is embraced and judiciously implemented.

My initial blog post - outlined what I hoped to achieve by participating in this subject, but I have certainly attained a much more comprehensive understanding of the social, cultural, educational, ethical and technical issues that constitute responsible use of social networking. At the outset I also had no idea that there is a need for a social information policy to be formulated that is uniquely designed to protect the community of users within an organisation. I now understand how important it is to establish such policy and to publicize adherence to these guidelines by both internal and external users. This will form part of my ongoing journey as an information professional.

My development as a social networker has expanded the variety of social networking tools which I now use personally and professionally. Once I had constructed my PLN, (, I realised that I do use some forms of social networking. However, I expanded that network and now regularly use FaceBook, delicious and am making more regular postings on my blog. I am also following several library blogs and use RSS to keep up to date with developments and ideas offered by online library groups and well developed school library websites. I tried twitter, but for now on a personal level, I do not feel that I have the time to follow and maintain this form of communication. I also tried Second Life but was restricted by technical issues. However I can certainly see the advantages of having learning occur virtually. From observation, I believe Second Life could be used in a school library setting but could face issues with the mastering of skills by some staff, and possibly students. One other issue could be that some users may be restricted from access due to the lack of system requirements and that would raise the issue of equitable access provision. I would like to trial twitter and possibly Second Life in our school library but may face restrictions from the IT department.

The implications for my development as an information professional are that I now feel that there is a way forward in terms of service provision at the school library at which I work. For some time now, library staff have noticed a decline in usage patterns by students and an enormous shift in how information is accessed by students. This subject has helped me realize what a quantum shift has occurred between the generations of users of our school library service and the imperative need that exists for the library to utilise social networking technologies in order to establish a service that is current and relevant in meeting the information and recreational needs of the school community.

To initiate an update of current practice, I have learnt that I will need to establish an open, supportive communication environment with the key players involved - the school principal, teachers, library staff, students and our IT department. Ongoing communication will need to occur so that appropriate social networking tools are chosen to meet users’ preferences now and also maintain relevance as newer forms evolve.

Library staff will need training and a shift in work patterns so that adequate time is allowed for the successful implementation of a socially networked Library 2.0 . I have also learnt that a mindshift needs to occur from previous practice and that for some people this can be threatening. By maintaining a positive and supportive work environment that is underpinned by a workable social information policy, new methods of service provision can be implemented. I have also learnt that the publication of information needs to be prompt and open to the inclusion of community created content.

This subject has helped me realise the direction that our library needs to take in order to offer a viable, relevant Web 2.0 service that meets current user practice in terms of access and usability. I am feeling positive about the contribution that our library can make to students’ education and although initiating change can be challenging, it is very necessary at this point if the library is to maintain relevance in students’ learning.

Casey, M. E. & Savastinuk, L. C. (2007). Maintaining the momentum. In Library 2.0 : a guide to participatory library service (pp.119-132). Medford, N.J.: Information Today, Inc.

Cohen, L. (2006). A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto. Retrieved from:

Farkas, M. G. (2007). What will work @ your library. In Social Software in libraries : building collaboration, communication, and community online (pp. 233-255). Medford, N.J. : Information Today, Inc.

Uden, L. & Eardley, A. (2010). The Usability of Social Software. In T. Dumova & R. Fiordo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social Interaction Technologies and Collaboration Software: Concepts and Trends (pp. 574-584). Doi:10.4018/978-1-60566-368-5.ch050

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


When developing a Social Media policy, it is necessary to involve key stakeholders so that all the most important aspects of a Social Media policy are addressed. Fleet (2009)suggests involving Senior Management, Marketing/PR, Human Resources, IT and legal people. Whilst these guidelines are aimed at corporations and business, school libraries could adapt these to involve the school principal, IT, library staff, a staff member responsible for school publications and senior school student representatives.

Five key points for inclusion in a Social Media policy could be:
• For all contributors to be responsible for what they write - Whether the user is an employee or student, people need to bear in mind who will be accessing the material that is put up. Therefore material needs to be appropriate, legal and of benefit to the internal contributers and the external consumers.
• Understand the concept of community - Content and tone need to remain positive so that the online experience is positive and of value to all. All parties need to respect people’s privacy and the need for confidentiality.
• Establish guidelines to protect employees and consumers. – Make the policy a positive document and focus on what can be done rather than what can’t be done. Separate different sections of the policy into internal and external users so that people are clear in their understanding of these guidelines. Endeavour to limit the length of the policy because if it is too long, many users will not read it.
• Respect copyright and fair use – teach and encourage all groups that original authors must be acknowledged. Observance of ethical use of material will contribute to the overall positive tone of social media use within the organization and thereby maintain a transparent and authentic interaction with developing social networking.
• Productivity matters – Within a school setting, this is not only for employees. Students also need to monitor how much time is being spent on social media. It is easy for large amounts of time to pass when surfing the net or interacting with other users through various forms of social media. Guidelines need to be established as to appropriate amounts of time to allocate to such interaction so that productivity on a personal and corporate level does not suffer.

Social media interaction is constantly growing and with judicious use can be an extremely positive experience both personally and corporately. A Social Media policy needs to be established and could evolve from existing policy regarding communication. There also needs to be time allowed for policy revision so that it is an accurate reflection of guidelines as new technologies develop.


Fleet, D. (2009)Social Media Policies E-book (2009). Retrieved from

Lauby, S. (2009) 10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy, Mashable, 6 February [blog]