Wednesday, December 14, 2011

OLJ TASK: Definition of an information professional in a Web 2.0 world

“I will not wait until something is perfect before I release it,and I’ll modify it based on user feedback” (Cohen, 2006).

This quote resonated with me because it has made me rethink HOW and WHY I need to alter my attitude and practice as a teacher librarian.

The essential knowledge that an information professional in a web 2.0 world needs to have is to understand the theory of how social networking is altering the way in which people search for knowledge and interaction. The next step requires the information professional to apply that concept to the services and resources that are being acquired in order to support the learning and recreational needs of the community at the point of need for that group. The theory then needs to be applied in practice by the librarian instigating change in library practice so that the library service remains current and relevant.

Essential skills which are needed are familiarisation and competence with current social networking technologies and the practical application of such skills to the library so that users are able to connect with library services in mobile settings and in social networking contexts that are meaningful for each user. As well as conceptual skills, the information professional needs to use professional judgement in deciding which tools should be chosen in order to deliver a service that will reach users effectively, equitably and provide a better service than was previously available.

Essential attributes include a willingness to embrace change, both philosophically and practically. It requires the information professional to be comfortable with more transparency and inclusiveness as users get to interact with evolving blogs, podcasts and other social networking technologies. It involves librarians truly being willing to share knowledge and resources and to communicate with users as to what they require to fulfil their learning and recreational needs.

“I will be willing to go where users are, both online and in physical spaces, to practice my profession”. (Cohen, 2006).

The challenge is there to embrace the changing world of information provision. In learning more about this through this subject, it is becoming clear that there is a future for libraries as long as they keep up with the times and move with current user trends.


Cohen, L. (2006). A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto. Retrieved from:

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