Saturday, April 17, 2010


The readings build a compelling argument for the benefits of collaboration between the TL and CTs and although I completely agree with the concept, I can also see that there are many schools in which obstacles like time and cooperation hinder the progress of full collaboration. Posts on the forum and my own experience reinforce this.

The strength of these readings is that they are so detailed and well documented that they serve as both reminder and inspiration to persevere in establishing collaboration as the benefits to the school community are so great. The details provided will help me to focus on points to include when I begin working as a TL.

As I prepared for assignment 1, I was already thinking about how to establish collaboration...Module 5 has reinforced some of my initial ideas, ie not to just try to establish formal meeting times with teachers, but to also grab those impromptu moments just to get to know people - build bridges rather than barriers. The 1939 description of a TL by Althea Currin in Brown (2004, para 4) suggested that the TL is "flexible, wise and a social genius". How interesting that the attributes that a TL needs to display are still basically the same. People are still the same, with the same basic needs, but with new skills needed in an evolving, more technological learning environment.

The questions posed throughout module 5, require us to consider how to establish a collaborative environment. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to establish CPT in order to gain the benefits of an ILSC for staff and students. Like our students, our colleagues have individual learning styles and these need to be considered in our interactions, so that CTs can experience positive feelings with Tls. Apart from informal meetings, planning time needs to scheduled to maximise the planned experiences for students. In so doing, the flow on effect can increase to other staff who may still be reluctant to participate.

My favourite reading was Todd's because it was honest and up-front about the reasons why collaboration is difficult to establish in some schools and it also listed motivations for CTs and TLs in why collaboration works. The reasons why collaboration works with some staff were also listed, and since I personally agree with these reasons, this article provided evidence of what I believe needs to happen for successful collaboration. Todd (2008, p24) stated that "personal characteristics, good team dynamics and thorough preparation" are necessary. On page 25, Todd list key points as advice when instigating collaboration. This is an excellent guideline and one which I will try to adhere to in my work as a TL.

So, module 5 has helped me learn why collaboration is explicitly necessary by Tls and CTs in providing students with the best opportunities for learning. The readings have also consolidated the 'how' of the theory and reinforced the benefits that a TL can provide.


Brown, C. (2004). America's most wanted: teachers who collaborate. Teacher Librarian, 32(1), 13-18.

Todd, R. (2008). The dynamics of classroom teacher and teacher librarian instructional collaborations. Scan, 27(2), 19- 28.

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